
Monday, April 13, 2009

I Need To Be In Charge Of Selling Stuff

I'm not ashamed to admit it: I am a tireless advocate for bunnies. And apparently, as ridiculous as this may seem, I am the only one! For example, every Easter Season, I get all excited because I think "Finally! Now there will be some bunnies on tv!" and every year I am profoundly disappointed. What the hell is the matter with everyone in the advertising business?

Even the Cadbury people have abandoned bunnies. This is unacceptable. Bunnies, be they large or small, baby or full grown, lop-eared or antenna-eared, are always adorable. They are the perfect vehicle for selling a myriad of products. Here, then, is my list of

Stuff That Could Be Sold Using Bunnies

1. Fabric Softener
2. Vegetables
3. Pregnancy Tests
4. Athletic Shoes (esp. kids' shoes)
5. Earphones/Headphones
6. Hearing Aids
7. Garden Fertilizer
8. Bed Linens, esp. blankets

I'm not even going to explain these; they are obvious. I'm just going to pelt you with adorable bunny pictures instead to convince you to take up my cause. Get ready.


gfe--gluten free easily said...

You could sell me just about anything with those bunnies! So adorable. And bunny fur, if you could feel it as part of the ad, well, you'd be a goner, of course. I have some very "real" looking stuffed bunnies that are still out from Easter. They get put away this weekend.

Ads have gone too high tech or often too stupid. If the marketeers see that the sales of candy, mashed potatoes, etc. are up because of the comfort food factor during these trying times, they should certainly exploit the appeal of animals, particularly the irresistible bunny. Heck, I wouldn't even feel exploited, I'd just feel happy. Isn't that what the best advertising does?


Nance said...

shirley--i worry that i am becoming A)redundant and/or B)afflicted with Alzheimer's because i think i posted something like this already at the Dept. crap.


i completely agree. why are so many commercials (ESP. CARS!!!) so awful, annoying, loud, and nonsensical? they should rely on making people happy and comforted. YOU ARE SMART. which is why you are not in advertising, obv.

Ortizzle said...

9. Panties.


* * * * * * * * *
Agree with you & Shirl on advertising. Here's what gets me the most about bad advertising (and most of it is shockingly bad these days): I can't tell you how many commercials I have seen on TV that leave me wondering what the product was that they were selling! There's such a thing as the subliminal message, and then there's.... "wuzzat?"

Nance said...

Ortizzle--hey, panties...i can totally see that. LOL.

re: not knowing the product. i play a game with myself after commercials parade unceasingly on televison. after about eleventeen of them go by, i try to recall what each one was selling. i.e.: what was the one with the monkeys selling me? ans: NO IDEA! it's remarkable. and it's not just me. rick never knows either. sometimes sam (age 21) knows, but he does NOT have the spending power that we do. NOTE TO ADVERTISERS.


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